Young Leaders Climate Network
Program Design
Project Management
Between 2012 -2016, with generous support from the Chorus Foundation and others, I designed and led a program for diverse leaders working for equitable and enduring climate solutions. Assembling and partnering with world-class facilitators, we managed three distinct classes of young leaders - each meeting three times over a period of 12 months. The 25-30 leaders came from all parts of society, including business, government, frontline communities, labor, the arts, agricultural production and science. We worked to build deep bonds among participants to encourage and support ongoing collaboration. We also delved into strategic opportunities for advancing renewable energy and rapidly phasing out fossil fuels. Several actions and initiatives emerged from these retreats. The leaders remain connected and mutually supportive, across sectors and geographies.
"Sunrise Movement would not have happened without the Young Climate Leaders Network."
–Will Lawrence, Co-founder, Sunrise Movement